Where on earth is Jan Marsalek? On the trail of the world’s most wanted white collar criminal

His fintech company Wirecard was valued at €24 billion — until it all fell apart, and the COO disappeared. Now, however, fresh evidence draws the net tighter...

The story of Jan Marsalek, alleged fraudster and Russian spy, currently wanted by Interpol and on the run since June 2020, has recently taken a turn with police in Marsalek’s former home of Munich investigating an €80,000 payment to the landlord of Marsalek’s fiancée.

Originating in Dubai, the cash was reportedly sent with the reference “für Jan” (“on behalf of Jan”) and represents 12 months’ payment on the rental. It may provide a rare clue for investigators hunting the former Wirecard COO.

Accused of “fraud in the billions” by Munich prosecutors, the 41 year-old Marsalek has remained under the radar for 18 months now and, if reports are to be believed, has led a colourful and deceitful life including links with Russian Intelligence and to chemical weapons sales. In short, when it comes to Jan Marsalek’s escapades, you simply couldn’t make it up.

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