21 things no gentleman should or would ever do

As a gentleman, there are a certain number of rules to abide by. Some go without saying, some are more obscure, but the modern gentleman should always uphold the most sophisticated etiquette. Many things that appear to be common thought, are, in fact, overlooked in general. Although there are a seemingly endless number of things no gentlemen should and would ever do, we’ve thrown together 21 of the most important.

  1. Frown, break eye contact or not engage in conversation with those who you’ve just met
  2. Say, ‘I’m not being rude, but…’ It is always followed by a comment that makes you sound like an arse
  3. Tell someone they look tired, unless you know them very well, or they have just got back from trekking the Himalayas. It puts people down
  4. Say, “You look different,” when meeting someone again after a long time. It usually indicates that they’ve put on weight. If they look a little chubbier than before, just let it be, they’ll already be aware
  5. Belittle people for watching programmes that you feel are worthless, it makes them feel stupid
  6. Tell someone you used to wear what they’re wearing, it’s degrading and rude
  7. Tell someone to relax, we all know it only awakens the beast within
  8. EVER get a manicure or pedicure… Rather self explanatory really, isn’t it
  9. Cheat on anything (women and taxes included)
  10. Tell your partner to be more like someone else… A seriously foolish move
  11. Punch a woman (unless she’s wielding an implement with the intention of killing you)
  12. Punch an infant, animal or elderly person
  13. Play computer games for prolonged periods of time
  14. Forget to offer your seat to a pregnant woman or less able bodied person on public transport
  15. Lose touch with old friends and family
  16. Refer to yourself as a player… Never, ever, not even once is this acceptable
  17. Be afraid of hard work or pushing yourself
  18. Forget to read
  19. Lie or break your word
  20. Tell another person the sport they enjoy is ‘Not a real sport.’ Whatever the sport, let them love it. (Unless it’s the England rugby team right now…)
  21. Stare creepily at women. Unless you look like Brad Pitt, you’ll come across as a pervert
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Further reading