5 easy ways to boost your sex appeal

For the unenlightened, sex appeal is that effortless ability to attract the opposite sex. That intangible characteristic that some people just have. You can’t fake it and you can’t create it, it just is. In a bar last night watching a friend’s band a girlfriend lent over to me and exclaimed how ridiculously good-looking the bass player was. “Really? He’s really not that attractive” I shot back. Her reply? “No, but he’s got so much sex appeal. Just wait – you’ll understand it when you meet him later.” And I did. He just had it. That’s the good news gents, it’s not necessarily the best-looking man in the room or the one with a body like Ryan Gosling that holds the power of that elusive sex appeal. While you can’t magically transform yourself into a human Neodymium magnet for the female race, you can quite easily boost your current levels of sex appeal, and here are 5 ways to do just that…

SMELL AS GOOD AS YOU LOOK, If the genetic lottery didn’t give you quite the same pay-out as Marlon Brando then fear not, a simple smell can make all the difference in boosting your sex appeal. While it’s true that a man’s natural pheromones can stir something in the opposite sex, it’s worth adding something else to that mix – Tom Ford or Chanel for men never fail to catch the attention of womenkind.

DON’T LOSE TOUCH, One of the many subtle signs of sex appeal, which goes far beyond physical attributes, is touch. From a gentle hand graze to the strong sweep of an arm around a waist.

THE LOOK OF LUST, When we speak about sex appeal, it’s often the physical attributes of a man that might come to mind first, but so much more can come from eye-contact. A single look or maintaining strong eye contact can make up for all manner of physical imperfections.

TAKE CONTROL, From leading a conversation, to being the one to a make a strong plan, the man in control (the good kind that is, no one likes a control freak) is always going to command the right kind of attention.

CONFIDENCE IS KEY, Last, but by absolutely no means least, confidence really can increase your sex appeal ten-fold. If you’ve got a body that’s a perfect ten, well, lucky you. But a great body isn’t enough to exude sex appeal. It’s confidence. One stand out characteristic of some of the most sexually appealing people in the world is that they are completely and honestly comfortable in their own skin. They’re comfortable in social interactions, work situations and all the way until they shed their clothes in bedroom.

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